Friday 26 July 2013

Winchester, England, UK – July 25

After an overnight flight from Calgary-Vancouver-London we were thrilled to find ourselves at our Winchester hotel after a LONG travel day. I thankfully slept more on this flight than I probably ever have on a plane (6 of the 9 hours) – the steak and few glasses of wine likely didn’t hurt. Winchester is about an hour south of London, so by the time we arrive it is about 3:00 and we aren’t dead tired. Hmmm…what to do?? Let’s see…we think a pub is in order. We stroll around a bit and find ourselves at the Wykeham Arms. I am thrilled to find a cider,  Stowford Press here that is delightful. This pub is what I have in my mind as a typical British pub, with the requisite cast of characters. One older man when asked how he was when entering the pub replied “fairly suicidal” – I’m pretty sure and certainly hope this was a joke everyone laughed.

After a bit more strolling, another pint and dinner we are done for the day.

Winchester will be our base for the next 4 days until our cruise begins on Monday.

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