Thursday 31 July 2014

Kusadasi/Ephesus, Turkey - July 31

King;s Palace - lunch x2

Back to Kusadasi – what to do??? LAUNDRY…and shop and eat İskender kebap.
There’s a tour coming up in a few days that we have scheduled to participate in that visits caves and it’s suggested that visitors wear ‘athletic’ shoes. Well, I didn’t bring ‘athletic’ shoes. I spotted some in the duty free when we were here a few days ago and today I picked them up. I’m pretty sure I’ll still not be going to the gym – not sure I could even find it!

I also picked up a ‘genuine-fake’ designer item for about 5% of what the real thing would cost. I can thank Chris for bullying me into it. I’m pretty happy with it.
Kushadasi cityscape
Lunch was pretty much a repeat of the last time we were here – beer, İskender kebap and this time calamari. It was also a repeat of the weather – hot, sticky, humid, sweltery, damp, thick etc.

Our pre-pre-dinner drinks started at the ‘Captain’s Welcome’ where the Captain and other senior crew introduced themselves to us. We met one of the dancers who happens to be from France. This is his first and last tour on a ship – although he didn’t say exactly we got the impression that he wasn’t loving it. Next pre-dinner drinks were at a bar where we have listened to a trio many evenings – they are good. They play pretty much anything, which they proved by taking requests. They were serious about these requests – when they said requests they meant it. They spoke to each one of the people enjoying them specifically “what about you lady?” OK…how about Billy Joel. ‘Sure’ they said…when they started the song and I couldn’t place it I thought I had stumped them (with the obscure Billy Joel.) In the end it was fantastic, Billy Joel’s ‘Honesty’ not the first song that comes to mind, but it was terrific.

1 comment:

Lori said...

The picture of the trio - Hilarious!