Wednesday 23 July 2014

Zakynthos, Greece - July 23

harbor view with our ship in the distance
Weather was warm, but overcast. I don't think I broke a sweat - this is new.

Zaykanthos, our port today is a sleepy Greek (Ionian) island where we visit a few tiny sights. Zakynthos is both the name of the island and the main town. It was all but destroyed by an earthquake and fire in 1953, this means there aren't any ancient ruins to visit.


We visit a village called Bohali, whose main claim to fame is the views of Zakynthos town and our ship in the harbor. Next we visit the Monastery of Anafonitria. This is a lovely small place where the visit is short. We follow our religious experience with a beer (of course) not worrying to finish it, as in this civilized part of the world, alcohol consumption is not as tightly gripped as it can be 'other places. Beer on a bus, on the street and in a park...OK, maybe we couldn't drink it in the church, but it can live with that. I thought it might be an issue in the church and monastery that I didn't have my knees and shoulders covered, but no problem.
water onions

One cool thing that we didn't see was the Logerhead turtles. These turtles live and lay their eggs on Zaykanthos, maybe next time. I would love to see this, The only wildlife we've seen so far are goats, turkeys, chickens and roosters - no sea life. We talked to a guy yesterday who say a water-spout which I would have loved to see.

We spent the afternoon at the pool and had dinner at the French restaurant.

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