Friday 8 August 2014

Athens to Calgary - August 8

Today is all about getting from here to there, there being home. The last month has been a wonderful adventure of new (some old) sights, tastes and places, but there’s no place like home.

The 4:45 alarm came very early this morning – although we really weren't sleeping very soundly thinking about not missing the alarm…Is it really going to ring? Did I set it for PM not AM? Not a recipe for catching a lot of ZZZZZZs. We are ready to get off the ship by 5:45, but can’t get to the port customs before 6:15. Customs is non-existent as we expected, to we likely could have been out sooner. We have a car booked to pick us up for 6, so that we can get to the airport for an 8:15 flight. As it turns out we have plenty of time – not lots, but plenty. We knew we were going to be cutting it pretty close, but the 8:15 flight from Athens to Calgary was all we could get for today. It dawned on me today that the 2 or 3 hour window prior to flights that passengers are requested to be at the airport is a shopping scam. Of course I know security or check in lines could be long, but we arrived at the airport an hour and 15 min before the flight and had time for a coffee and a muffin. I also know Athens airport is (seems) small and that this wouldn't work at Heathrow for example...but…

popcorn sundae
Another thing I know is that it’s easy for me to say all of that now sitting here in the Heathrow airport after just taking a shower (still a thrill), sipping wine and eating lunch with 8 to hours to kill between flights. I wasn’t so comfortable this morning waiting to get off the boat, or yesterday thinking that we might be late into Athens as we were the last time we arrived due to port traffic.

Anyway…it’s been another great vacation. I so look forward to my own bed tonight (or is it tomorrow), getting coffee from the same ol’ place once I wake up and my own things where they belong – can’t say I’m looking forward to the heat and thunderstorms though. BTW…I haven’t posted any casino updates recently for sadly obvious reasons. I’ll take most (not all) of the blame for that one – I’m a pretty bad gambler. This trip and the last time we were in Vegas, what does it say that we just booked our hotel for Vegas at Thanksgiving???

A huge thanks to those of you who followed this adventure along with us – see you all soon!

Oh...I've been meaning to post a photo of the popcorn sundae I had a few days back. This is something I have never been offered before. It is out-of-this-world! All I want in a dessert...salty and sweet. 

Ott - looked for umbrellas in Rhodes...not a one, and we wished you were here (there) too

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