Saturday 2 August 2014

Rhodes, Greece - August 2

King's gate
Rhodes is another port on this year’s itinerary we have visited before. Although on the one hand it seems to us that we may be wasting a visit by being someplace we’ve seen before, this gives us the opportunity to see less visited sights or take a bit of a slower pace at cruising.

This morning we were still on the boat when the crew had their safety drill. They take this 
very seriously which I’m very glad about – they know what they’re doing.
Clean laundry has become my mission. Although we did laundry 2 days ago, why not do it again?? So, when the closest laundry room is full I don’t return to my cabin defeated, I carry on to the next closest, and so on until I find an open machine. Finally…jackpot!!!

Next was a couple of hours of pool time followed by shopping and lunch.
Rhodes old town is a charming touristy town with all you would expect – shops, restaurants, cafes etc. We find lunch at a place with a second floor so that we can see the square below. This place also (like most others) has wifi. We have all the wifi we can want on the boat, but the boat blocks updates. I have 37b updates, so we bring our iPads to get updated. Lunch is a surprise of Greek salad, calamari, wine and beer.

Tonight we experienced the excellent service we remember from past cruises – not that we’ve experienced anything but great service so far, well there was that one night in the French restaurant when dinner took 2.5 hours and the waiter made us feel like we were inconveniencing him by being there. Tonight I asked for a particular wine in the lounge that they didn’t happen to have at the moment. I said ‘no problem’ and asked for another. The response was ‘no, no, just give me a moment to get you that one from downstairs’ – OK, I’m in no rush. The waiter apologized profusely and promised that when we come back tomorrow that we won’t have to wait!
second floor lunch spot

My biggest complaint today for was that the orange juice in my mimosa was too pulpy – that’ll teach me for bastardizing perfectly good champagne. 

refreshment stop

tea time


Anonymous said...

Your father just got caught up. Still enjoying your blogs. Looks like you are both having a great time. Enjoy. Mom

Ott said...

See any interesting umbrellas in Rhodes? I am envious - wish I was still there!