Saturday 25 July 2015

July 24/25 - Calgary to Paris

20 degrees (some people are wearing down jackets - we are NOT) when we arrive around 9PM.

The frenzy that is London’s Heathrow airport amazes me every time I’m here – and I’m not comparing that to Calgary’s sleepy airport. We’ve been to plenty of ‘big’ airports, and this is something else! However busy it is…we are off the plane, onto a bus, through passport control, then security and are sitting in a very busy (and messy) lounge with a drink in hand in less than 20 minutes. 
blogging in an Irish pub

The flight was unremarkable, but it was nice to skip getting to Vancouver for the flight to London. When using travel points it seems like you take what you get and typically we get a flight from Vancouver…this year Calgary. The downside of leaving from Calgary is no 747 and no business class upstairs – we survived.

for my dinner viewing pleasure
beet, Gorgonzola and walnut salad to start - fancy!
Something else that I never tire of is showering in an airport. Initially I was told the wait was 90 minutes, but ‘come get a pager in 30’... 40 minutes later I was squeaky clean!

After a 2 hour layover we were back in the air on our way to Paris where we will spend the next 5 days.

The first of many pizzas and wine are on the menu for dinner after a bit of a getting-to-know-you in the neighborhood.

The internet is about a million dollars in our hotel, so we found wifi at our 'local' next door. Can't say I've heard French spoken here since we've sat down.

As per usual when we settle in to a hotel or ship room we 'blew the fuse' in our hotel room. Apparently the electricity in the room isn't prepared to handle a power bar! It doesn't happen every time we are in a new room, but often enough that you'd think we'd expect it - we weren't totally 'shocked'.

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