Tuesday 11 August 2015

August 11, Bristol and Bath, UK

Overcast, then sunny…18 degrees

Bristol Cider Shop
We spent most of the day in Bath. Initially we considered renting bike and cycling there, but were told it is just a bit too far – it is about 25k. We decided to take the train rather than the bus for the charm of the train and apparently the train is faster.

The main attraction is the Roman Baths. These are similar to baths in other excavated ruins we have seen before, the main difference being the infrastructure built around them for tourism. Here there is an audio guide, descriptive plaques and some added elements for affect.

Visiting the baths takes about 90 minutes after which it is lunch time. We try our hardest to find a pub.
hotel's bistro

Next we wander to Bath’s Circus - a circular (only half circle) of townhouses. Then to the river-side park and back to the train. I think I’m glad we opted for the train. It’s not crowded, takes no time (about 9 minutes versus the bus that was supposed to take 45) , and has wifi (although so does the bus.)

On the way back to the hotel we stop at a grocery store for a bottle of wine (no new chip flavours here) and then a pint.

There is a shop near our hotel called the Bristol Cider Shop. I thought there would be more to this place, but there’s not much to it.
Roman bath
Tonight’s dinner is in the hotel’s bistro.

Bath Circus

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