Monday 10 August 2015

August 10 – Bristol, UK

Woke up to tons of rain, rain fall warning on news, dried up and sunny later, 22 degrees

Today was the day for the hop-on-hop-off touring bus. It takes about 75 minutes to see and hear about all of the sights. There were only 3 of us on the bus, so the guide was pretty interactive. Of course we drove by and heard about Bristol’s major sights. We could get off anywhere we wanted to, but decided to hear about all of them first and then decide where we might go back to as we have a 2 day pass for the bus. About half way through the tour it started to pour rain. We were on the uncovered upper deck, so just got a bit soaked before we caved and went downstairs.
Clifton Suspension Bridge

River Avon - huge gorge
By the time the tour was over we were thirsty and hungry. We decided on what turned out to be a bit more of an upscale pub. I had a new cider that I sadly can’t remember the name of – my favourite one yet – very sparkling and dry.

One of Bristol’s famous sights is the SS Great Britain. This is a passenger steamship in use from 1845 to 1933. This ship was used to bring emigrants from Great Britain to North America and Australia – that’s my recollection of the story at least. Apparently it took 14 days to cross to North American which I find very fast. This ship was has been restored and it now a museum. It was quite interesting to see the accommodations and the hugeness of the ship.

The River Avon meanders through Bristol having carved a deep gorge.

Another one of Bristol’s important sights we see is the Clifton Suspension Bridge – depending on the tide and how high the river is, can be 90 metres above the water.

Somehow we were once again thirsty and found pub with outdoor space that was quite nice. Again I found another cider I liked, but not as much as the last one. At least this time I took at picture of it - Aspall.

Next was some grocery shopping (more chips or should I say ‘crisps’?) and dinner of pizza.

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