Sunday 2 August 2015

August 2 - Bordeaux & Cadillac

Finally the heat has found us. 32 degrees, but dry. I have to say this lack of humidity is surprising. It might not be as dry as Calgary, but not far off.
This morning we did more touring of Bordeaux, but this time basically by bus. We initially drive around the town stopping at Place des Quinconces, one of the largest squares in Europe to focus on a huge monument. This monument (we are told) is dedicated to all things the French hold dear. However there is nothing about cheese or wine. I’m not so sure about the accuracy of this monument or what we are told.

Next we visit the Musée d’Acquitaine which basically highlights Bordeaux`s trading history. Most of the trade in the Bordeaux area has always centred on wine, but there is a significant amount of this museum dedicated to the French slave-trade. The part on slavery is the most interesting to me and made me realize I haven’t really considered slavery outside of North America. I found this part of the morning quite moving.

Lunch is back on the boat. There are 2 venues for lunch, a dining room where you order off of a daily menu and a more informal option that is buffet style. We opt for the buffet and also are able to sit outside. Wine and beer on the Viking cruise line during meal times is included. If last night’s dinner and today’s lunch are any indication plenty of wine will be consumed. In fact, after dinner last night we each took a full glass back to our room, stashed them in the room’s fridge and had them for when we returned from last night’s walking tour.

After lunch we try to hit a grocery store nearby for some wine, beer and snacks for the room, but no luck…by the time we get there, they are closed – 1:00.

For some reason (we missed the explanation yesterday busily chatting) the river is too high or too low for us to sail today. We were supposed to sail to the town of Cadillac, but instead we drive about an hour there. Once in Cadillac we do a short walking tour of the town. This town is TINY. There is little going on, especially for a Sunday. We of course are able to find a place for a glass of wine and a toilet stop – 2 glasses of wine was about 4.50…for both!

Next we are on to visit winery for a Sauterne workshop and tasting. This very sweet wine is not exactly my cup of tea but drinking it is this environment almost converted me. Part of this is done in the vineyard where there is no shade – it is very hot, but without the humidity it is not too bad.

We get back for little more than a shower and then it is time for dinner. We met a few new people then a wine tasting followed by a bottle of wine and a discussion on American politics. We've decided to blow off tomorrow morning's tour (that we've pretty much done already) for a sleep in!!.

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