Wednesday 5 August 2015

August 5 - Bourg & Blaye

We are back to hot today…clear and hot, 33-35 degrees
Today we are docked in a town named Bourg, but begin our day in Blaye. Blaye is about a 20 min drive from Bourg. Blaye’s attraction is the a 17th century citadel. There are also ruins from a medieval castle within the walls of the citadel. The plans of this citadel were copied for the Quebec City citadel.

During the standard-issue free time we wander around the Blaye market. I’m coming to realize that every day the same market is in a different town. We see the same basket, olive and oyster sellers. This dulls the charm of the markets for us a bit. It’s not that all of the stalls are exactly the same. There are what seem to be some more permanent ones that are different, but many of the ‘moveable’ ones are the same.
In the PM we joint a walking tour of Bourg – population 3000! I’m pretty sure we didn’t see any of those inhabitants…a very sleepy place. It’s a good thing the walking tour was quick because it was very hot. I’d say more than 35, but who knows. There wasn’t much to see and we didn’t even stop for a drink!

Today’s stop is a bit of a dud for me. Chris was a bit more interested this morning, but me…no so much. Not bad, but just not that interesting.
random citadel garden
The most exciting thing that happened to me today was trying sardines for the first time. Each day for lunch there are 2 options for where to eat on the boat – the dining room and an outdoor buffet. We’ve always chosen the buffet. Each day in addition to the buffet selections a waiter brings by something to start with…one day it was steamed mussels and today it was sardines. Sardines are a first for me. I didn’t know what to do with them…I’ve heard to just pop them into your mouth, but these suckers were a bit more than one bite. I got a quick lesson and I was on the go.

Tonight we had dinner at the casual restaurant on the boat. While not as gourmet, it is more relaxing and low-key. I have a steak and salad. I was a bit worried that I would break my cheese every-day streak, but no worries…there was still the cheese course after dinner.

Speaking of dinner…Chris sent a few shirts and a pair of pants to be cleaned before dinner. I came back half way through dinner and they were done! WOW.
medieval ruins 
The evening ended with an en-suite glass of bubbly. This is the bottle that cost us 1.69 euros…it’s not half bad…see the plastic cork…haven’t seen one of those in a while.

The waterway we’re sailing (hard to say exactly which we’re on as we move between the 4 rivers. However, we are on the Bordeaux right bank versus the Bordeaux left bank which is basically the significant differentiation. 

sunken ship - low tide

sunken ship - high tide
sardines anyone?

daily streak maintained


Leona Squance said...

You don't look too sure about those sardines.

Deanna said...

I am very envious - the wine, countryside and cheese... it all looks fabulous! Not sure about the sardines but good for you for going out there and trying something new! How were they?

Heather said...

Oh the sardine experience, I had one of those in Spain, mine were luckily smaller! those looked enormous...yes how were they? Your vacation looks and sounds great! Thanks for blogging it's fun to follow along :-)