Sunday 31 January 2016

At sea - January 31

Another extremely uneventful day for us here. Chris is feeling much better, so we ventured out of the room. The highlight of the day was the afternoon movie shown in ship’s theatre…I don’t care to watch a movie in a theatre when I can sit on out rooms balcony, however…movie day here on board means POPCORN!!!  I can’t think of a better post-nap afternoon snack than popcorn and Champagne!!

The evening’s show was Krew Kapers. Typically this isn’t an event we are dying to see – the ship’s crew preforming. However, we have gotten to know our butler Mark (of course we have a butler, doesn’t everyone when they go on vacation??) and he is performing. 

Deanna – the ostrich was very good.It was very similar to a filet of beef and after looking into it, has more iron than beef. I’m on a quest to up my iron these days – beef, shell fish and apparently ostrich for me. Also, I can be adventurous if there isn't anything slimy's all about texture for me. They had sweet breads on the menu a couple of nights back that I passed on. I tried them a few years back on a cruise and was not impressed!

Gwen – the monkeys scared me too, the last thing I want to do is tangle with a possible rabies situation!

Heather - of course I ate them, it's all about texture. they were dried and quite tasty. Not sure about corn in the kitkats, I'll investigate.

Lori - no hammer pants pic yet...there's still time.

Mom - that girl sure was into Chris (who isn't??)...I stepped in and made sure she knew he was taken.


Deanna said...

i hear ya about popcorn... It is the best. And popcorn with champagne - a perfect combination!

Heather said...

Good to hear Chris is feeling better never fun to be ill on vacation. Oh salty popcorn and champagne is the best...well minus the popcorn ;-) oh the butler...send him to El Nido please :-)))

Dbitty said...

I expect Chris to be wearing his pants 4-6 inches higher and have learned to say “ I don’t like the looks of those teenagers” in a few more languages... #goals