Monday 1 February 2016

Sihanoukville, Cambodia – February 1

see the monkey?
Who really knows about the weather…hot and sticky

Ream National Park is where we spend our time today off of the ship. This trip starts with a boat ride along the mangrove lined river. We hoped to see more wildlife than we did, but oh well. We did see a monkey on a fisherman’s boat – I’m not sure if it is a semi-pet or just a hitch-hiker.

making waffles
I also saw a gecko/lizard ON MY LEG!!!!! At one point I felt something on my ankle, but I just thought it was the tie at the bottom of my pant leg brushing my skin, it was very windy on the boat after all…Apparently not, as by the point I noticed it, it had made its way ON TO MY THIGH. Holy crap I freaked a bit…not a lot, but a bit and flicked it off. Now I’m regretting the missed opportunity of taking a photo of the little thing on my leg. It was about the size of the length of my palm. As I’m writing about it, I’m getting a little freaked all over again!

When the park was created in 1993 existing residents were allowed to stay living there. We see some of these residents during our time there.

setting up for a song

Once off of the boat we followed the guide on a walk aside farmers’ fields and to the village and some of the residents’ homes. When we were at one of the homes a group of school kids welcomed us with a couple of songs.  This family also made some rice waffles that we tried. They tasted very much like typical waffles. At first I didn’t feel great invading these people’s homes, but apparently they are paid for the waffles and got tipped – so I guess that’s something.

As we trekked through the park, we stopped every so often to look at the local crops – jack fruit, pumpkins, mangosteens, mangoes etc. There were also about a million chickens, turkeys and ducks.  We also saw water buffalo and rice fields.

cobra protecting Buddha
reclining Buddha
Next we drove down the road a bit and stopped at an ocean side camping spot – for tourists, they had Canada Goose tents! Here we had a ‘comfort stop’ and a beer from the little canteen there. Finally…cheap beer – 1 American dollar for a beer. Apparently they pay 50 cents for the beer.  This was a very cool spot – it was still hot, but breezy by the ocean. I think the chickens followed us here as there are just as many here as at the last stop.
Chris having a moment with Buddha

Lastly we visited a Buddhist temple. This place is nice as it is deserted when we arrive. It is built into the side of a mountain. Each Buddha is connected by stone pathways. Very different from anything we’ve seen so far this trip.

Sihanoukville only sees between 10 and 15 cruise ships each year.
Sihanoukville sunset

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