Monday 25 January 2016

Bagan, Myanmar – January 25

cool first thing, probably 12 degrees, glad to have my scarf

A 5:45 wakeup call this morning felt like sleeping in compared to yesterday’s insanity! The hotel we are staying at – the Bagan Lodge is lovely. The rooms are in blocks of 2 all over the property with a pool, open air restaurant and bar and reception at the centre.

marionettes are a 'thing' in Myanmar
After a quick breakfast (of All Brand – yes, ‘Brand’) we are off to the airport and back to Yangon. Airports in Myanmar aren’t quite as ‘secure’ as we are used to. We showed up yesterday and today about 30 minutes early, and when I asked about my laptop and liquids I was met with a ‘what the bleep are you talking about lady??’ look. Today’s flight is ‘open-seating’ – this is new for me. I’ve heard of it, but never experienced. The flight is completely full, but we have no problem sitting together.
All Brand

Chris thinks photobombing is pretty hilarious
The journey back to the boat is through the streets of Yangon which are fascinating to look at. Again there are jam packed trucks, motorbikes with 3 (or more) unhelmeted riders, guys selling silverware to drivers stopped in traffic not to mention the loads and loads of people everywhere.

pilgrims for the full-moon festival

The rest of the day was very low-key.

I've included a few shots from yesterday.

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