Friday 29 January 2016

Langkawi, Malaysia - January 28

Clear, hot, 31 degrees, real feel 36

Today is all about nature. Our tour is all inside Lankawi’s geopark. It starts with a boat ride through karst outcroppings that much of Lankawi seems to be - this makes the waterway seem like a river. All along the bases of these outcroppings are mangroves. We topped at an eagle feeding spot where about 10 eagles soared above us swooping down at the water every so often to pluck a fish out of the water. Then we visited what they call a fish farm, but is really ponds to showcase the area’s fish. The coolest one were archer fish. These fish eat insects and have to shoot water out of their mouths at the insects so the insect falls to the water – we saw it happen…wild.

I thought the highlight of the day would be a visit to caves to see thousands of bats which was certainly cool, but the archer fish was by far the coolest. The caves are pretty cool also with thousands of fruit bats handing from the ceiling of the cave. The stalagmite and stalactite formations in the cave are beautiful.

Langkawi seems like a quiet, laid-back place that if it wasn’t so hot, would be a nice place to spend an extended period of time.

The rest of the day is spent on the boat.

BTW…I forgot to put some photos of the dried fish from yesterday, they’re there now.

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