Friday 22 January 2016

Sea Day – January 22

not a bad view
 Nothing can beat a sea day, except for maybe a sea day after turning our clocks back. We only turned them back 30 minutes (for a second I think we are about to visit Newfoundland), but I’ll take what I can get!!

Gaining 30 minutes means I’m up early, but not so early. Like yesterday I miscalculate by 30 minutes, but this works in my favour. What else am I going to do at 6:45 am when I’m awake, but go to the gym?? It is quite delightful to be up and out this early. Today’s post-gym juice is apple/carrot/ginger, not too bad.

I could spend a long time here
By the time I get back to the room there are still about 90 minutes before today’s part 2 of the Myanmar talk. Myanmar is really something else. Of course I am minimally aware (without thankfully experiencing firsthand) how horrific things can be in the world, but really I have no idea – truly I’m not sure I want more of an idea.

The rest of the day is pretty low-key. Today we start our anti-malaria pills. We are leaving the boat for an over-night visit to an area of Myanmar where malaria pills are necessary in a few days, so today we start.

Green tea Kitkat
I always like to do a bit of research prior to a trip on the classic or quirky souvenirs. I found out that Japan has many, many different flavours (I’ve heard there have been over 80 made) of Kitkat bars. Although we aren’t in Japan the shopping opportunities are currently limited so the Greentea Japanese Kitkat will have to do. It was actually quite good. Less sweet than the usual North American ones and a bit buttery. I have my eye on the grilled corn and Camembert cheese flavours.


Deanna said...

That Kit Kat bar looks yummy. Cool about all the different flavors - many different ways to "Give yourself a Break".

Heather said...

Oh the Kit Kat in Canada and US a sure thing for corn free I wonder if the Green Tea one has corn? :-)

klee said...

I've seen a few imported kitkat flavours here but it would be cool to see what else there is!