Thursday 25 February 2016

Shanghai, China - February 25

People's Square
our ship can be seen
 12sh, sunny, not nearly as chilly as yesterday

apartment after apartment
It was a glorious day as we set off for a morning of sightseeing. It was cool, but clear and sunny.

Our first stop was at Shanghai’s People’s Square – an urban park around a central fountain. This place is immaculate with manicured flower beds and clean walkways – and a noticeable amount of security and police. After a 20 minutes to stroll and take pictures that was about it.

random huge towers
The next part of our tour took us to Shanghai’s desirable neighborhoods with European-style early, 20th century mansions – interesting to see in China. We probably drove around for about an hour just looking and looking. Until we did all of this driving the city didn’t seem like there were 24 million people living here – now I can see where some of the 24 million live. There are apartment buildings, upon apartment buildings for as far as the eye could see – it was incredible.
Oriental Pearl Tower

Then we arrived at base of all of the skyscrapers. It is a bit mind blowing how many sparkling, shiny, huge, interesting skyscrapers there were – most we are told are less than 10 years old. We stopped for a bit outside the Oriental Pearl Tower for some photos – I couldn’t even get it all in my photo it is so tall. Then we went up the Jin Mao Building (the second tallest in China) to its observation deck on the 88th floor. It’s here at the top of Shanghai that I get a clue as to how huge this place is and how many people live here. This building also has a Hyatt Hotel on the 20 floors right below the observation level. I find the idea of hotels, office buildings and residences very interesting.

Many, many things amazed my today…first the vastness of this place and second how many police and security there is. There are what look like ATCO-trailers for police on what looks like every corner and it’s impossible to not see a police officer or security guard. I guess there’s a lot of people to put to work here. It also seems like many people are employed at keeping Shanghai looking good – there are planters everywhere and absolutely no garbage. What I’ve seen of Shanghai is as clean as Singapore.

the lobby of the Hyatt from above
Of the many, many things I saw today I didn’t see what looked like poverty. There were a few slum-like areas, but absolutely no begging or people that looked impoverished. These were things that seemed unavoidable in most places we’ve visited, but not here. I can’t imagine poverty doesn’t exist in China…they’ve just done a good job concealing it.

As the day went on the sky got hazier and hazier – I assume it’s pollution, but my throat doesn’t feel it. Occasionally on this trip I’ve felt that I’m getting sick…nope…pollution.

Sheryl – if I’d known bars in Saskatchewan were so capable, I’d have checked some out before now, that’ll be my next trip!!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Love the pictures and the info. Very interesting.