Sunday 14 August 2016

August 14 – Bordeaux, France

good morning Bordeaux

random street art...I love this!

trying to cool off

32 degrees (at least), about 250 degrees on the top deck of the boat, very clear…HOT, not too humid, but H…O…T, trés chaud as they say around these parts
random beautiful street
Today is another day on our own…glorious. It’s good to have a balance between guided education and wandering, blissfully ignorant of what I may be experiencing and looking at. We’ve had a good amount of time with guides, so a couple of days alone is welcome. Tomorrow things will change again.
Early morning laundry (good thing since all of our clothes will soon be drenched with sweat) was followed by breakfast of espresso and a peanut butter roll. Our plan was to do a bit of shopping, lunch and back to the boat. We are setting sail at 2:30 this afternoon, so we have to keep our eyes on the time. It’s a good thing that I did the shopping that I did yesterday as we learned last night that today is a holiday, so many of the shops will be closed. We also found that many of the bars and restaurants are closed also, so lunch ends up being back on the boat. A glass of wine is doable though – whew, close call!
I wish I could get in
our ship is very close to town

I buy a few things at the tourist info centre…I have no problem with tourist-ville…that’s what I am after all, and I feel it’s less likely that I’m getting screwed. I am again proud of myself being able to order wine and pay and buy a few things all en Français!

Bordeaux, very near where we were dovked
It is very hot even before noon, so I take every opportunity to cool off in any fountain I come across. I wanted to get into one, but it was just a bit too deep, kids were in up to their waists, so it was just a foot dip for me – even that was glorious!

After lunch back on board, we headed to the pool for some music played by our favourite ship band and sail-away. Holy cow it’s hot! Of course I’m in the shade and am still on fire, doesn’t matter how many beers, water or champagne I drink it’s hot.

There’s a bridge that we go under on the way out that can be raised and lowered, today it is raised for us to get under…very cool.
another bridge to go under

part of bridge raised to let us pass

1 comment:

Heather said...

It all looks great, those linens looked amazing! It's hot here too which is nice...summer :-) Thanks for sharing I'm enjoying following along.