Thursday 20 July 2017

July 20 – Marseille / Aix-en-Provence, France

July 20 - Provence (Marseille), France

Mostly clear, with an isolated shower, about 26 degrees

even the banks are chic
We're a bit beat this the middle of the night our neighbors decided to continue partying in their room. Eventually I called to complain...although they were told to quiet down, not much changed. They don't seem to understand that the walls are very thin!
morning wine!

Anyway…we docked in Marseilles but decided on a morning tour of Aix-en-Provence - about 45 min away. Once we arrived the entire tour was walking tour – these are my kinds of tours. I like wandering the streets, hearing bits and pieces of interesting facts or stories and getting to stretch my legs. Aix-en-Provence is the birth place of Paul Cezanne, but we didn’t really hear much about him – this was a bit disappointing. The guide mentioned it and pointed out his statue, but that was all.
We had just stopped outside St. Sauveur Cathedral to hear about what we would see inside when a down pour hit – perfect timing…we just popped into the church and by the time we were done, so was the rain.
It was market day in so I always find that super interesting. I remember from markets in past years, things like cured meats and cheese to be less expensive than what we’d pay at home. Not sure that can be said of the wine in the cafés…wasn’t super expensive – 3.5€ for a glass of wine, however…it is more than in the middle of a big city like Barcelona, but you pay what they charge. We didn’t buy anything but a glass of wine – all en francais I might add!!

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