Wednesday 26 July 2017

July 26 - Antibes, France

27 degrees, clear, a bit humid

This morning we are back in France starting the day with another tender journey, but nothing like the last tender ride…This one was smooth, short, and uneventful.
absinthe tasting

This morning we are on a walking tour of Antibes starting with a wander through the old town that dates back to the 5th century starting at the port which again is teaming with mega yachts. A lot of the tour is wandering through old streets, hearing from the guide bits of information. We make a stop at the town church and then we were on to the open-air market. I love it when we arrive and it is market day. I never buy anything, but just looking at the meat, fish and produce is very interesting. It’s also interesting to see how
street art
 much less expensive cheese is here compared to prices at home.
random door

Next we are off tot the Picasso Museum – the reason we chose this tour. The building that houses the museum is the Château Grimaldi, where Picasso lived in 1946. Picasso created 43 drawings and 23 paintings in his studio here - all are displayed in the museum. Only one of his pieces is signed because he didn’t want the museum to ever be able to sell them.

museum - Picasso
Lastly we visit an absinthe bar. This place is in the basement of a tiny little shop. According to the guy serving us everyone has to wear a hat to sip absinthe…I think that is his way of laughing at tourists – the bar has about a million hats. It was a lot of fun watching the water drip slowly over the sugar cube into the glass of absinthe.   

We decide to get lunch in town and then head back to the boat.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that we saw a whale…or at least we’re pretty sure we saw one, or 2…it’s h
sculpture outside museum
ard to say. What we did see was a bunch of spouts for about 5 minutes. What ever it was, it was thrilling. For as many times as we’ve been on water this is the first time to have seen any evidence at all of a whale!
museum - Picasso
sculpture outside museum

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