Sunday 30 July 2017

July 30 – Portofino / Genova, Italy

27 degrees, very clear, humid

This morning we woke up in Italy – Portofino, this is our second time here in 2 weeks…a bit spoiled I think. This time we’ve decided to take a trip to Genoa (or Genoa as the Italians call it.) Once again we start with a tender ride to shore, but today the sea is MUCH calmer – especially when returning to the ship…no tender cracks today.

Caravaggio - Jesus and Pontius Pilate

After the tender ride to Portofino, we ferried to Santa Margarita and then on a bus for a 45 min ride to Genoa. Apparently, only vehicles of a certain length are allowed in Portofino and a bus is definitely too long. This adds a good hour to today’s tour.

We walk through Genoa’s old city’s pedestrian-only streets – on either side are very old buildings. It always amazes me how ornate these buildings are that today are nothing more than a shop or bank.

We spend a significant amount of time with the guide in 3 the museum that were once palaces – the

Palazzo Bianco, Palazzo Doria Tursi  and Palazzo Rosso. There were basically no other tourists other than our group, so this museum visit was relaxed and unfrenzied – lovely.

Lastly, we visited Santa Lorenzo church and then lunch. We were on our own for lunch. One of the area specialities is pesto sauce…Chris got that with gnocchi and I had to have some pizza.

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