Monday 31 July 2017

July 31 - Portoferraio (Elba Island), Italy

Last day on the cruise…last tour, no tender. It’s been a great cruise…pretty much exactly as expected…a few dud ports, but a few pleasant surprises.

When we opened our curtains this morning we were met with a slight I think a couple of little boys I know should have been here to see…the Super Heros ferry…I think the guy who delivered our breakfast was as interested as they would have been!

Today’s tour was a driving tour of the Elba Island. We started touring the island hearing about this and that to do with the island.

We were then given about an hour at the town of Porto
Azzurro. This place is very much a tourist town on the water. Here we wandered the tiny streets, poking into shops, walking along the water and finally ending up at a café.

Our last stop was at the ‘La Chiusa’ winery for a tasting of their wines and of local olives,
salamis, cheese and olive oil. The location here was terrific…right on the edge of the sea.

As it is the last day, the rest of day was back on board doing laundry, packing and relaxing.

We were thrilled to find out when we boarded the cruise 2 weeks ago that our favourite cruise band was on board! We have spent each of our happy hours f
or the last 2 weeks with them. The pretty much play everything and anything – a little too much Beatles and the Beach Boys for my taste however. They have a great rapport with the audience and crack tons of jokes between songs…it’s made the cruise better being about to listen to them each evening as we sipped a cocktail or 2.
Nature's Rhythm Trio


Heather said...

Thanks for sharing looks like a great cruise!

Lori said...

Looks like you had a great cruise! Enjoy the rest of the trip:)

lisa said...

Thanks Heather for was a great cruise...busy, but great.

We did Lori, thanks...we will!