Monday 17 July 2017

Sunday/ Monday, July 16/17 – Calgary to Barcelona, Spain

28 degrees, a bit humid, clear

Travel day (part 2)!! If there has to be a down side to vacation it would have to be the travel days…the last one is certainly worse than the first one, but checking in to airports, waiting to get on planes, waiting to get to sleep on a plane etc. is not my idea of a good time. I know I sound very hard-done-by, but those are my thoughts. This travel day was relatively painless. The Calgary airport experience was the least painless of all – from getting dropped off by my parents to having a drink in my hand took no more than 15 minutes! I was all ready to flash my brand-new Nexus card, but no need…couldn’t even beg someone to look at it!

ploughman's lunch
glass of vino and snack
After an over-night flight to London, followed by a short lay-over to get a shower and a bit of food and drink we were off to Barcelona. By the time we got to out hotel it is about 9PM local time (1PM Calgary time.) We decided to pre-arrange transportation to the hotel in Barcelona. For little more than the taxi we had someone meet us at the gate and a predetermined fare. We are beat, but do our best to stay awake so that we get our bodies on local time as fast as possible.

A bit of a wander helps with the sleepiness as does a glass of vino and a snack. Barcelona is as hopping as we remember it and people eat LATE. It’s too bad we are only here for one night, but when flying on travel points you take what you can get!

The meal on the flight from London to Barcelona was either sandwiches or a ploughman’s lunch…I’m pretty sure I know what sandwiches are like, so I opted for the ploughman’s lunch…interesting…very good. It was salami, ham, cheese, mustard and bread…all of which I’ve had of course…what I had never had before was a Scotch egg…there was half of one of these which was quite good. The first of my new food experiences.

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