Wednesday 25 July 2018

Munich, Germany - July 25

Chinesischer Turm

28 degrees, clear, hot

Not much was planned for today, so we had a lazy morning. Jet lag coming to Europe has me sleeping very well. I’m not sure if I’m still jet lagged or not, but I think I could sleep for hours. Yesterday my Fitbit said I slept for over 10 hours! This feels like a major success.

Today turned out to be the day of the English Garden. The English Garden is a public park in the middle of Munich as one of the world’s largest parks. It is named ‘English’ because of its informalness…this is my style of park. A stream runs throughout the park with rapids in parts – these are my absolute favourite parts, in fact one section of rapids and a ‘wave’
my weinshcorle, Chris' dunkle 
are designed for surfers!

This park is about 3k from our hotel. By the time we arrive we are parched and hungry…we find a couple of ‘biggish’ beers and a fish and make a lunch of it. This fish called Steckerlfisch is what I came for…In fact this Steckerlfisch was the number 1 thing on my Munich to-do list. We can get giant beers anyplace, but fish on a stick…it was a pilgrimage. Today’s catch is mackerel, and it was quite delicious – I hoped it actually came on a stick, but it didn’t, it was
random European scene
cooked on a stick, but served without the stick. I don’t love picking though fish bones, but it was part of the experience. This fish was 10.00…not exactly a bargain, but what here is?

Once we ploughed through the enormous beer and picked the Steckerlfisch carcass clean, it was time for another beverage. We were pretty sure another liter of beer wasn’t the smart choice so we decided on 2 half liters. This time Chris had a dark beer (dunkle) and I had a weinshcorle (wine and sparkling water)
– this is delicious! Accompanying our after lunch beverage was an oompa band…fun.

Once we were on the go again, we wandered along the river, and finally found Munich’s surfers. The wave created by some of the rapids on the stream through the English gardens is very cool – a major attraction.
my feet never felt so good
After watching the surfers for a while we moved to poke our own toes into the cool waters. Besides the fish on a stick, I think this was the most glorious part of the day…sitting in shade, feet in cool water, resting for a bit.

After all this resting and feet cooling we were ready for another beer…where or where??? We settled on the Hofbrauhaus, being here in the day was much more
accessible compared to when we were here near closing time a couple of days ago. 2 more beers and a pretzel later and we were ready for a nap.

random European scene
We decided on dinner at the pizza place we ate at last night and a couple of bed-time beers in the room.
giant hofbrauhaus pretzel


Lori said...

Looks like a great vacation so far! Surfing looks really cool.

Stacey said...

What an amazingly fun day!! Who knew you turned into such a beer lover! Have a Erdinger dunkel for me if you find one - one of my favorites!!

Rose said...

I’m envious! Prosit! I’m checking out that Pretzel! Lieb meine Deutsche Küche!