Wednesday 8 August 2018

Marseille, France – August 8

27 degrees, thunder and lightening in the morning, turned into a hazy sky by the afternoon

evening show program
Marseille is a town we’ve been to before – last year actually, so we decided to stay on the boat today. Not only have we been here before, the port is a 30 drive into town. There is a shuttle
this is as close as we got to Marseille
available for 8USD each way, but we thought ‘let’s not bother’. It was nice to be on the boat while most people were on shore. Lunch was peaceful as was the pool. Until the band started playing…not exactly peaceful, but fun.

Sail away was around 5:00. A quick nap in the room and we
the band and Chris to the left
were on the go again. Pre-dinner drink and music, dinner, a musical production show, then a bit more music, then a bit more music and the bed.

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