Wednesday 8 August 2018

Day at Sea, Crown Princess – August 7

not a bad view
25 degrees, some cloud and haze

Today is the second of our 2 sea days on this cruise. If being outside on our deck as we sail is my favourite thing about being on a cruise, sea days have got to be #2. We tend to do very little - we are not ‘joiners’.

I could certainly fill a bunch of time if I had access to the internet.
saw an other turtle
At sea, means pretty much disconnected, so this post will hopefully get posted tomorrow. Our portable wifi ahs been pretty excellent so far…we know if wouldn’t work at sea, but didn’t realize it didn’t work in Gibraltar…interesting.

If we actually wanted to do something this ship definitely has more going on compared to other cruises we’ve been on. This is almost like a Mexican resort in terms of things going on. A person could definitely be busy from morning to night, doing things like trivia, listening to live music, dancing, playing silly games like
shows the room pretty well - Chris on the deck
‘Elevator Roulette’. If we are to actually find an activity to join it would be trivia (particularly Name the Tune), listening to live music, watching the evening ‘show’ – (last night was a comedian), or playing in the casino.

Today we took advantage of our deck until we or the sun moved so that the heat was too much, then we ate, drank, napped, blogged etc. In the evening we played 80s Name That Tune…we did pretty well…got 45 out of 50.

After dinner we watched a violinist, had another drink and headed to bed. When we got to our room we realized that there was an electrical storm going on outside. We decided to get one last drink and check out the storm on the top deck. Once we got up there it was pretty awesome…there was also a bit of rain which added to the ‘mood’.


Diana said...

Nice big room you've got. Sounds like fun playing Name That Tune.

Dbitty said...

Which ones did you miss?
