Thursday 25 July 2019

Nice, France – July 25

Blazing sun and 30 degrees, feels like 34, 70% humidity

I’m not too sure how great the bed is in our hotel because I’m pretty sure I passed right out last night. Before 6 I was side awake but was able to will myself back to sleep until about 10 – I’m happy about that.
wine stop

Nothing was on today’s agenda, so we had our hotel’s included breakfast before heading out. The breakfast was
Nice Cathedral
basic, but good – I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t anything new or exciting to try. We wandered a bit through Nice’s old town, then made our way to the sea – this is our first glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea that will be our home for the next 3 weeks. Of course, we saw it from the sky last night, but that’s not quite the same as walking next to it.

Nice Cathedral

Nice Cathedral

I remember Nice’s market from that last time we were here and it’s pretty much the same. As usual when in European markets I’m interested in prices – cheese is soooo inexpensive here…or maybe it’s soooo pricy at home. And there’s soooo much of it here. There is also plenty of cured meats and plenty of produce. The rest are nick-nacks and art.

We find a spot close to the market and have a glass of wine. We are able to watch the people coming and going
to and from the beach which is about 5 minutes away and to watch a socca seller. Socca is a local snack item, like a warm flat bread made from chic peas. I thought I’d get one after the glass of wine, but the market and the socca seller packed up shop before I was done…a goal for tomorrow.

On the way back we found ourselves at the Nice Cathedral – a nice break from the heat.

A stop for water, chips and beer was one the way home before a nap and some cool down time. It is a hot and humid one today. The chips we found were chili and goat cheese – wow…yum!

In the evening we wandered around a bit before settling on a place for dinner. We found a bustling pedestrian street for mussels, pizza and wine. It was delicious and hit the spot.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Lol! I’ll have fries with that?!