Friday 2 August 2019

AT SEA – August 2

I could stay here for ever!
Clear skys, 25 degrees, 71% humidity

Sea days are my absolute favourite days on a cruise – no question, no contest, no maybe! I love the idea of having absolutely NO commitments. Wake up when I want, eat when I want, take a nap when I want and only see people when I want! HEAVEN!! Today’s sea day did not disappoint.

We are in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of France, cruising to Italy where we will be tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, my parents and I are undertaking the 10.5 hour excursion to Rome and Vatican City – the day will be long and hot, but it’ll be well worth it. Anyway…that is tomorrow, for now it’s all relaxation all the time!
not a bad place to blog from

I didn’t wake up until after 9, lazed around until about 10, took a cappuccino onto our balcony and blogged until lunch. Today the ship had a Spanish themed lunch on the pool deck which is where we met the parents. It was quite glorious out there, yesterday it was like a sauna there for lunch, but today with the breeze of sailing, it was perfect.

Lunch tuckered me out so much so that after a quick margarita at the pool bar I was back in the room. I had planned to take a nap, but the wifi was half decent, so I decided to take advantage of it and get some blogging done.
9 hr 12 min...NICE!
The wifi in the middle of the sea here is hit or miss, so you have to take advantage when ever possible. Of course eventually a nap was in order followed by drinks with the parents and then dinner.

Chris and I ate dinner tonight with the ship’s HR supervisor. Occasionally, on Regent because we are returning guests we are invited for dinner with a member of the staff. This is always very interesting because they always have stories and information that we wouldn’t know otherwise. It turns out that Adrianna will be on our January cruise!

After dinner we met Mom and Dad for the show, followed by Chris in the casino (surprise) and me relaxing on our balcony for a bit – lots of stars were out tonight.


Anonymous said...

Are your parents behaving themselves.

Rose said...

Hahaha! Sid maybe, but not Leona! Can’t wait for your return, barbecue at our house and share your cruise!

Lori said...

The step count is the best!

lisa said...

Lori - you are right..., I'm most proud of the amount of sleeping!