Thursday 1 August 2019

Mallorca, Spain – August 1

today's vineyard

crazy olive tree
Clear skys, 28 degrees, and a bit humid

The parents are back with us today. Mallorca is an island we visited on our very first cruise in 2006 and we are back today, 13 years later. Of course we remember some things, but lots hasn’t necessarily changed, but memories fade after 13 years. What I do remember that has stayed the same is Palma’s cathedral. Construction of this church began in the 1200s
and was finished in the 1600s. Over time, Mallorca has been inhabited by the Greeks, Romans, Christians, Moors and then Christians again.

We continued to wander the town a bit more with our guide as he pointed out things here and there. Today we are in town around 9:30, which is nice because there aren’t many crowds, but we don’t get a good feeling for the vibrancy of places when most shops and cafés are just opening.

cathedral walls

cheese course at the French restaurant
Next we drove about 20 minutes to the inland to the village of Consell, where we visited reach Bodega Ribas - the island’s oldest winery, since 1711. Our visite stared with a winery employee describing the history of the vineyard and their wine
more learning
making process. I’m not familiar with many of the grape varieties they grow here such as Mantonegro, Prensal and Gargollasa, which was nearly extinct at one time. Although my brain was unfamiliar with the names, my mouth was well
more cathedral
acquainted with the delicious taste of the wines. We tasted a ros
é, a white, a red and a dessert wine. All of these wines are quite strong and we were all feeling it a bit when we were done. With the wines was also served some delicious tapas - Iberico jamon, manchego cheese, olives, olive oil, bread, almonds and dried fruit. Although this wasn’t supposed to be lunch, the amount we were served was quite substantial.
Once back on the boat I threw a load of laundry in and headed to lunch. I met a nice English guy in the laundry room who helped me look for my once again LOST SOCK! At home my socks do not get lost…what’s the
and more...
deal with loosing socks here?? Did I mention that I found the last lost sock…I think the machines must suck them in for a while and spit them out a few days later.
Today is the day for the ship’s ‘Block Party’. Apparently, this block party is unique to Regent cruises…what happens is that around 6:00 the ship’s bell is rung and an announcement is

made to go into your hall with an empty glass. The ship’s captain and other officials go around to each floor greeting the guests and you get the opportunity to meet the other people in your hall, all the while the room stewards and butlers are pouring wine and serving snacks – interesting and charming event.

Dinner tonight was in one of the ship’s 2 restaurants that require reservations – tonight we are in the French restaurant. Reservations to these 2 restaurants are coveted commodities, but as far as we are concerned, all of the 4 restaurants are primo. The food and service was good, but no better than that in the main dining room where no reservations are required.
After dinner was a quick drink at the bar, followed by a crooner show – the guy who sung the Love Boat theme, then the casino and to bed. Tomorrow is a very welcome sea day!!!
wine tasting

wine tasting

what will we taste next?

not the worst location for a wine tasting!


Heather said...

Wow that was a very full day! I remember the block party it was a fun unique to Regent thing to do. Enjoy the calm of the sea day, that is my happy place for sure.

Rose said...

So much to see and so much to consume! Sea days, spa days! Wonderful welcome!