Tuesday 13 August 2019

Bologna, Italy to Calgary – August 13

As long as skys as clear for flying, I don’t care about the weather. Was quite glorious when we left the hotel around 9. Yesterday when we left around 7 it was glorious too…amazing how just a few hours changes all that.

We are homeward bound. 6 countries, 12 cities, 11 tours, 7 modes of transportation, 23 blog entries, and 4 beds – I think.

Today I feel the very same way I feel every last day of vacation. It was awesome, but I’m be glad to be in my own house, in my own bed. Maybe being away from home is only to remind me how much I love to be at home.

Thanks to everyone who came along with us through this blog!! Mark your calendars…January…check back!

1 comment:

Dbitty said...

Great as always Lisa