Sunday 5 January 2020

Calgary to Fort Lauderdale to Miami, FL - January 5

The journey that begins today has been at 2.5 years in the making. What always seemed so far into the future has arrived – and thank God it has! I am fully ready to just get on with it!

Fort Lauderdale is our first stop – really getting us to Miami where we’ll spend the night before boarding the Seven Seas Mariner. The Mariner will be our home for the next 94 days! Holy crap! 94 days, I really still cannot believe we will be away for that long. Although I’ve packed enough toiletries to choke a horse, I can’t believe it!

Our stay in Miami is only long enough for us to board the ship tomorrow – we had hopped to stay in Miami for a bit longer, but this is not the bargain time of year for Florida apparently, and we figured we were away long enough…did I mention we would be away for 94 DAYS!

RETIREMENT CRUISE here we come!!!


Dbitty said...

Wow this is a trip of a lifetime.... lol forward to your detailed posts...

klee said...

Have a wonderful trip! Looking forward to reading your adventures!

lisa said...

thanks Dbitty and sure is a trip of a lifetime and a wonderful trip! Thanks for following

Brian said...

Congrats Chris and Lisa! A well deserved trip.

Have a great time!

Brian & Dijana

Rose said...

Yay! You’re on your way, just catching up on your travels today. So exiting! It’s exiting here as well with minus 25*
Can’t say we’re not envious but good on you!

Rose said...

Yay! You’re on your way, just catching up on your travels today. So exiting! It’s exiting here as well with minus 25*
Can’t say we’re not envious but good on you!