Wednesday 29 January 2020

Cruising The Pacific Ocean en route to Honolulu, Hawaii - January 29

pool beer...finally
Partly cloudy, 21 degrees

Day 5 of 5, and we’re almost at Hawaii. I can tell we’re close because the weather has turned from warmish to full fledged warm. By
another pool beer
the time we arrive tomorrow morning it should be about 28 degrees. I’m revelling in these days of not-so-hot, as I know soon enough (I’m predicting Bali, on March 14 will be the start of my official melting.) I’ve never been to Bali before, but I’ve been to other parts of Indonesia and melted. When I was on the top of that HOHO bus in San Francisco, just a few days ago, trying to stave off hypothermia, I told myself to remember that feeling when I’m
self serve coffee and snacks
in a lather in the very near future.

With 4 days at sea behind us, nausea hadn’t hit either of us. I know that doesn’t mean we are immune to sea-sickness, but I think it does mean we can take a lot of motion to the ocean – maybe it’s the ginger we have in our juices in the morning. Speaking of juice…I chatted with the guy who makes ours. When we chatted a couple of weeks ago after a particularly rough day and night,
ukulele lesson
he mentioned how he had spent the whole previous day in his cabin barfing. I asked him if he takes anything for the nausea and he said, “then I’d never get used to it.” I guess that’s true…for him I hope so…the sea is his office! Speaking of taking something for the nausea…the ship gives out some kind of pill for seasickness. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this.

We were determined to get in some pool time this morning. Eventually the clouds rolled in and it got a bit cool, but we had enough good weather for a couple of beers.

Today the ocean isn’t as deep as yesterday or the day before…4000 metres or 13000 feet! Still deep.

warm enough for beer #2
The activity for this afternoon was ukulele lesson #2 – not as bad as #1, but I understand my limitations. Heather…you were too kind with you blog comment yesterday!

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