Tuesday 28 January 2020

Cruising The Pacific Ocean en route to Honolulu, Hawaii - January 28

more BINGO
Clear and then partly cloudy, 21 degrees, humidity is rising

The theme of these 5 days to Hawaii is ‘Groundhog Day’. Groundhog Day was actually a trivia question a few days ago…”What Sonny and Cher song plays at the beginning of the movie?” I didn’t actually go to trivia…Chris and our 4 friends go, but trivia has always been smack dab in the middle of my nap time, so I’ve never gone – would love to (I like trivia), but like naps better.

The only thing that really changes is the evening show. Sadly, I continue to lose at BINGO. What is changing is the weather…today it was warm enough to sit by the pool for a bit. We could have easily sat in the sun but were comfortable in the shade.
cabin bathroom

I decided to go to a ukulele lesson rather than take a nap this afternoon. I really love the sound of ukulele music and tried to learn once before. It was fun, but I’m as hopeless as I was before.

After dinner we went to ‘the show’. It was Mark Preston, a guy who used to be in The Lettermen – I had never heard of them. Before my time, I know, but I’ve heard of things before my time. I know a bunch of their songs, just not the name of the group. This was his second show…it wasn’t as good as his first. He mostly sung slow songs and told shmoopy stories…at 9:30, after a big dinner with wine…we old people need something to keep us awake!

I thought today was as good a day as any to include some shots of our room. There’s great storage in the bathroom…in fact more than we need.


Heather said...

You are not hopeless at the ukulele, tomorrow you will be even better! :-)

Fitch said...

I’m impressed that you are taking ukulele lessons. Maybe we can hammer out a few tunes when you get back !!

klee said...

Looking forward to hearing some ukulele! :)