Friday 17 January 2020

Zihuantanejo, Mexico - January 17

Mostly clear skies, 33 degrees, there will be no more talk of humidity…let’s just say it’s always very humid unless mentioned otherwise

Sipping rosé on the back of the ship as we gaze upon the cliffs of Zihuantanejo could not get much better. Having heard much about this place, we were anxious to arrive, the first views are beautiful. 

After an early lunch and a 5-minute tender ride we step onto Mexican soil…or sand. Today we opted for a walking tour of Zihuantanejo. This was a pretty laid-back way to spend the day. We were a group of 16 (fantastic number) with a guide who meandered us through the streets of
cerveza stop
town. We started at the beach area lined with bars and shops. The area is relatively rustic, which is lovely. Señior Frogs and TGIFs are no where to be found. We spot a few perfect spots for a post tour cerveza or dos.

As we wander the streets of town, it seems as though a camera crew is following us. They are official looking with Zihuat logoed shirts. I half expected at the end of the tour for us to be offered pics of ourselves…nope, must have been filming for who knows what.
dos cerveza

Throughout the tour we saw many statues of Zihuantanejo ‘women’. Apparently Zihuantanejo is a ‘town of women’. I’m not sure what that means, our guide told us that there are 3 times as many women here than man…seems odd.

We wandered through a market filled with produce and other food stuffs. The one thing I saw that was interesting was an area filled with men/boys playing pinball. Most of the
city of women
fruits/vegies were typical to us.

An hour into the tour we stop at ‘Tamales Any’…a cantina. We have 2 beers and some chips and 3 salsas – tomato, mole, salsa verde. Next, we visited a silver shop and then a tequila shop – we don’t buy anything.

At the end of the tour stayed in town for a couple more cervezas. We found ‘Valeria II’, an ocean front bar right on the sand. This place has great ambiance with live music. 4 beers cost us around 7.00USD! People here were drinking, eating and swimming. Many of the ship’s staff were here blowing off some steam.

Once back on board we blogged and read on our room’s balcony – it was glorious…shade, the sea, a glass of wine and a breeze.

Tonight’s dinner was at the ship’s steak restaurant…We know what to expect…
very cool beach bar
big steaks, lots of crab…it didn’t disappoint.

We were determined to see the show tonight which was an electric violinist...we've seen electric violinists before and we love them...nope...too tired...we tried, but no.

1 comment:

Fitch said...

I love the beach bar. Right up my alley. More women then men? Lucky men I guess !!