Saturday 18 January 2020

Cruising The Pacific Ocean en route to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - January 18

daily activities
Mostly clear skies, with the occasional fluff of cloud, 28 degrees

Gaining an hour as we travel west continues to be worthy of mention, anytime I can gain even the smallest amount of sleep is cause for celebration – I don’t so much care about gaining time, but the sleep, oh the sleep! Going to bed before 9:00 doesn’t hurt either!

The time change also gets us up, walked, juiced, showered and to the pool before 9:30! I
daily activities
hope today is uneventful as I have been planning on a sea day blog post to answer some of the comments people have made. I love that people read the blog I really, really appreciate it! I also love reading the comments so…

Hopefully it goes without saying, but if not…everyone who mentioned that the trip looks great is right…it is! We have definitely settled into the groove of the ship and our regular orders are being remembered…each day at lunch we are asked “2 rosés?” at the show…”a champagne?” and at the bar…”an Italian Getaway
worthy of celebration!!
?” Now, even when I want something different, I hate to ask because I like having 'a regular'!! I am however, making a real effort to try most of the drinks on the menu! The restaurant maitre’d asks us now if we want a window table, rather than us asking.

Stacey…I probably shouldn’t have said anything about my tolerance for toques and wearing 2 pairs of pants at once…I don’t want to take any responsibility for the deep freeeeze you’ve been in this past week – I may not mind the cold, but 35 below is a bit much. I still have to say I prefer not sweating and cold to dripping just by standing in the shade. Toilet
coffee delivery
challenges were a real ‘bummer’…haha…good one! I agree…we could find a compromise and vacation together – if good AC is near, I’m usually happy!

Dbitty…not sure what’s happened to Chris’ bird flipping…maybe he’s softening in his retirement…nah

Christina…I tried my best to figure out what you meant by ‘cleaning’, but I couldn’t…they have activities throughout the day…if they are observing activities like music by the pool, a show, or a tour of the galley, we participate…we aren’t much into ‘crazy golf’ or ‘water volleyball’. I’ve added a pic of the daily activities for you to check out (and another menu – one side is
steak restaurant menu
‘always available’ and the other changes every day!)

The internet has been surprisingly good for most of this trip so far. I have learned to expect poor to terrible Wi-Fi, I’d call what we’ve had good. On previous trips I’ve set a photo to post and found something else to do. This time my photos are posting in just a few seconds. It seems that as soon as we arrived in Mexico, yesterday the internet has been poor to non-existent.
steak restaurant menu


Fitch said...

Since I’ve never cruised before it is a bit difficult for me to understand that there is always something to do on board. I need to be busy all the time .....and I really don’t like to sleep...hahaha!

Unknown said...

Haven't heard anything about bridge lessons yet.