Friday 21 February 2020

Cruising The Pacific Ocean en route to Auckland, New Zealand – February 21

not a place for breakfast blogging
Clear, 24 degrees

Today is the half-way point…maybe. Not sure how the lost day affects this, but close enough. Today is also our last sea day for a while...whatever shall we do?? Tomorrow we arrive in New Zealand for the next 5 days.

As with all sea days we spend at least a bit of the morning on our balcony, eating breakfast, blogging and doing the Mensa challenge. Well, mostly Chris does the Mensa challenge - each day the ship issues a set of 5 brain teaser questions/puzzles. Today was a bit cool for
some of the lunch buffet
balcony sitting, but the pool deck in the sun was great.

Igor, our trusty bartender didn’t let us down with his drink of the day a Sex on the Moon – rum, peach schnapps, OJ. Not sure how that accompanies the lunch buffet, which is grilled sandwiches and pita, but we don’t question Igor! So far, his daily creations have been a great way to start our afternoons at sea. He better get busy concocting new drinks before we embark on our 7 day at sea extravaganza! That’s still a while away (if it even happens), so he’s got time.  

In the afternoon we checked out the magician’s ‘History of Magicians’ lecture which ended just in time for nap time. We lost an hour of sleep last night, so a nap was extra necessary!
Sex on the Moon

The show tonight was a ‘guitar virtuoso’ – he was very good. I expected a bit more variety in the pieces he played, but it was very good. I suspect he’ll play another show in a few days.

1 comment:

Fitch said...

How does rum, peach schnapps and OJ equate to sex on the moon?? Maybe the Color?? Hmmm!! Is that a hero sandwich I see??