Saturday 29 February 2020

Sydney, Australia – February 29

Partly cloudy, 25 degrees

Morning at sea as we sail into Sydney’s harbour in the late morning/early afternoon. We actually went to one of the restaurants for breakfast and ate outside…it was glorious.
our fist sights of the bridge and opera house

We spent some time this morning organizing a change in room. We’ve decided to use some of the refund we are getting as a result of the change in itinerary to upgrade rooms. It took a lot of deliberation and we took the plunge. The room we are currently in suits us just fine, but we could use a bigger balcony. The room we decided to move to has a much, much larger balcony. Our current
opera house
balcony is 48 square feet and the one we are moving to is 270 square feet! A balcony is almost if not THE most important thing about room for us. We spend A LOT of time on our
close up of the Opera house roof
balcony. On sea days we typically
Bondi Beach
spend much of the day out there and considering that we have a lot of sea days in our future, we decided to go for it. The location of this balcony is key too…off the back of the ship. We’ve had rooms off of the back of the ship before and I have LOVED them. So…I hope to love this one too!

Tomorrow morning, we will go on our tour, and return to a new room. The ship will arrange to have our things
moved for us. If this really happens (I’m sure it will, but I really can’t believe it) I will be amazed. I’ve heard the ship will do this, but wow!

Experiencing Sydney started before we stepped foot on shore. The sail into Sydney Harbour was pretty spectacular. The main thing to see of course was the Harbour bridge and the opera house.
one of Sydney's rough sides

Today’s tour started at the Sydney’s opera house. The tour there was very slick with a very knowledgeable guide. We didn’t really get into anywhere not available to the public,
more of the rugged side
but we did get into one of the theatres and get lots of info from the guide.

just a cool shot

The next stop we made was at the famous Bondi beach. The waves here were big, there were tons of surfers and even more people just hanging on the beach. There were also a bunch of restaurants, café
s and bars. We could have used more time here…we walked down the beach, got our feet wet, but
sailing into Sydney
didn’t have time for a beer sadly.

Opera house
We realized today that although this is a leap year, because of crossing the international date line, we still only lived through 28 days in February!
stalking the room!


Fitch said...

I absolutely love the pictures!

Stacey said...

good call on the upgrade for more sea days ! Who doesn't love a bigger balcony!

Heather said...

You can both nap on that balcony :-)