Wednesday 28 December 2022

Cruising the Atlantic Ocean – December 28

pre-lunch snack delivery
Weather…30 degrees, overcast in the morning, sunny in the afternoon, late afternoon/evening showers and, wait for it…muggy

Aperol Spritzes & chips for the table 
This is the last of 3 sea days in a row. Nothing much different to report except that I think I’m feeling a bit seasick. Nothing significant or that impedes me from doing anything. I’ve felt this before…after a number of sea days, when the waves are a bit significant, I tend to feel a bit woozy. At first, I think I had one drink too many last night, but… nope…it’s the motion of the ocean. We should be on land tomorrow and my belly should be back to normal. I say should, because we heard today that the conditions may be too choppy for tendering to our port. In our experience when we are told ahead of time to expect that we may not port, that’s to get everyone prepared for the worst…if we are able to reach land that will be a bonus.

an Italian feast tonight for dinner
Every time we are on a cruise, we find ourselves comparing our current
experience to previous ones. This is our 272nd day on Regent Seven Seas Cruises. 272, plus maybe 100 nights on other cruise lines gives us a fair amount of cruise ship experience. One thing I’ll say about this time is that the Wi-Fi isn’t terrible, it isn’t great, but it isn’t terrible. Past attempts at uploading pictures to the blog would have me uploading and leaving my computer to do its thing and come back 30 minutes later to see only one photo uploaded. This time, it takes about 30 seconds. Most anything to do with videos (YouTube, Netflix, TikTok, etc.) won’t work – I think these are blocked, but that’s not a big deal for us. Chris is having trouble downloading a Kindle book, which is weird and a pain for him.

I typically don’t do much reading when I’m writing the blog. Blogging consumes much of my free time that I might use to read. However, somehow I’m onto my second book of the vacation. The first I read was “A Gypsy in Auschwitz”, a bit of
a heavy vacation read, but one I’d highly recommend, and now I’m onto “We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story” by Simu Liu. Both books are easy reads with their fair share of emotional bits – maybe obvious for a book about the Holocaust, but damn you Simu Liu and your sentimental, charming, hilarious book – just one more reason not to wear mascara at the pool!

Our 2nd ‘code mike’ of this cruise came tonight. This is the cruise code for a medical emergency. Obviously, something no one ever wants to hear on a cruise.

We had an early night back at the room, splitting a beer and balcony blogging illuminated by the moon…glorious!

1 comment:

Jodi&Kathie, Dylan&Robbie said...

are you sure you are not hearing "magic Mike".... ;) please blog on this if I'm right....hahahah