Tuesday 27 December 2022

Cruising the Atlantic Ocean – December 27

I found it!

crossing the equator
Weather…sunny then overcast, HOT, muggy

Another wonderful day at sea…it’s almost like it’s Groundhog Day. The excitement for today was crossing the equator. This is the second time we’ve crossed the equator. Each time a cruise ship crossed the equator, they make a big deal of the event with a ‘kissing the fish’ ceremony. Pre-covid this wasn’t exactly our style, but

now swapping lip germs with a bunch of strangers is the last thing I want to do. Instead, we had our own ceremony at the back of the ship with our own toast to the equator.

caviar party
Another bit of excitement was my trip to the ship's spa for a pedicure. We have some ship-board credit to spend and when everything onboard is included... excursions, booze, internet, laundry, there's not much to spend the credit on...the spa is a good place. Too bad we can't spend it in the casino...we've already donated our fair share there.

We learned today that there are 455 crew and 432 passengers. The ship has a capacity of about 650 passengers. We haven’t heard any explanation for why the low number. We figure there must be some cabins saved for covid quarantine, when necessary, but when we talked to a staff member about this, she claimed covid cabins weren’t a thing anymore.

1 comment:

Jodi&Kathie, Dylan&Robbie said...

I love that....private "cross the equator ceremony" soooo cute!!!