Saturday 7 January 2023

Miami, FL to Calgary – January 7

Weather…coolish first thing in the morning – 21 degrees, 25 by the time we got off the boat at 10

We are docked in the Miami port this morning which is very busy for cruise ships! Not sure how many are actually here, but we can see at least 4 others…and these are big boys…3500-7000 passengers. Our room faces the

view from the  ship

harbor, which is perfect, because we are welcomed to our final destination by a couple of dolphins. I have been searching the ocean for wildlife throughout this trip and one the very last day I see some…perfect!

We are on our way home!! Thankfully, the journey home was very, very uneventful. There aren’t any direct flights from Miami, so we had to go through Atlanta…makes for a longer

view from the ship

day, but no big deal. The layover was only about an hour.

I’m happy to be home, but raring to start planning the next vacation.

1 comment:

Jodi&Kathie, Dylan&Robbie said...

Welcome home, and thanks for sharing your blog, adventures, and allowing us to live vicariously through your posts!! Very entertaining and interesting.

Thanks Lisa, glad you two had a wonderful trip.
