Monday 29 May 2023

Calgary to Seattle - May 28

Despite being “retired” Chris and I seem to have a schedule that requires scheduling in vacation time. A couple of months back we looked at April, May, and June and saw that this week was the least booked. When it comes to vacations we are procrastinators! When we worked full time and were stuck with specific vacation dates we had things booked months in. Now with our schedules wide open, we somehow have less booked. Last weekend we figured if we didn’t book this it would be too late, so a couple of clicks later we were booked.

Is that a volcano in the background?

I don’t know if the airport was dead because it was a Sunday evening, but from the time we stepped foot in the airport, went through security, talked to the US customs, and were sitting with a drink in our hands 9 min passed. I have to say this is actually pretty typical for us when we leave from YYC. 

Although the flight is only 95 min, we jumped at the upgrade to premium economy…why not, at $65 we figured it was worth it. Being committed to carry on only, we didn’t benefit from the checked baggage, but had space the bigger seat provided, a couple of drinks, and some snacks.

A bit of research concluded that it would be easy to get to our downtown hotel on Seattle’s LRT. The original plan was for an Uber, but $60 vs $6, plus only small luggage and it was settled…public transit it would be! I always like taking public transit when away from home…it gives me a sense of accomplishment and a glimpse of local life. Of course public transportation takes longer 45 min rather than the 20 min Uber ride. One thing I didn’t expect was how hilly Seattle is…good thing we only had small suit cases to lug up a pretty steep hill to the hotel.

Never being to Seattle myself, there’s already a couple of things to like…1-it’s close, a 90 min flight, 2-we gain an hour. 

After the world’s quickest hotel check in, we unpacked (also quick due to carry on only) and headed across the street to Purple, a cool wine bar right across the street from the hotel for a bottle of wine and some shrimp. 

Next we wandered a bit to find our meeting point for tomorrow’s tour, found one last spot for late night happy hour and that was that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun. Nice to read about your new adventures.