Friday 21 July 2023

July 20 - Calgary to Barcelona, Spain

Warm in Calgary when we leave, expect it to be HOT and HUMID in Barcelona…we will

So…haywire?? A bit haywire…yup. Bags were packed, Uber pulled up and we were on our way. Then we found ourselves in a Deerfoot parking lot, but eventually took an alternate route and made it to the airport - good thing we left our house 3 hours ahead. We got out of the Uber to discover one of our 4 bags was MISSING!!!!! Pre-covid we would never have packed more than one checked bag and one suitcase for a cruise, however…now we each pack an essentials bag that we carry on and then each check a suitcase. I realized when packing, that even for a cruise with it’s required ‘dressy’ clothes, that I could still get by with just a carryon bag.

Anyway…back to the mayhem. Girmay (our Uber driver) and I made it BACK to our house and then BACK to the airport with not too much time to spare. Chris and I decided that he would stay at the airport and check 2 of our bags and then I’d be back and just have to go through security – of course we figured out this plan AFTER we’d convinced Girmay to bolt back to our house. So, we then convinced Girmay to pull over on Airport trail for Chris to get ANOTHER taxi/Uber back to the airport to check in the bags. Longest Uber trip I’ve ever been on…90 minutes!

Thankfully, security was a breeze and Chris and I were finally reunited and were on the plane Champagne in hand. Not the way, either of us wanted to start this vacation, but it’s ‘blog-worthy’ story.


Anonymous said...

That’s a bit funny but would not like to have been in your shoes. Glad everything turned out alright. 😂 Leona

Diana said...

Yikes that’s like something out of a movie

Rose said...

Oh JMJ, with unpredictable traffic jams, I would have had a conniption ! On board Champagne cures anxiety��