Sunday 6 August 2023

August 6 – Barcelona, Spain to Calgary

– 23º and rain this morning in Barcelona – I’m thankful today is a travel day and not a wander around Barcelona day. It was warmer when we arrived in Calgary than when we left Barcelona. I have to say how great the weather has been over the past 18 days. I anticipated a bit of weather-related suffering, but there’s been little, and some of what there was, was because of chilliness.

Steps – 6,227

Westjet long haul - pretty OK
Not much to report. Thankful for a 2PM flight, didn’t have to get up too early.
Everything was on time, and we made it home by 5PM

Still August 6 – today a 32-hour day, I think. I feel like I make this exact same post every time we return home after vacation…vacation was great, glad to be home.

Thanks to everyone who came along with us by reading and commenting. I love having blog audience!

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