Tuesday 10 October 2023

October 10 - Santa Monica / Los Angeles, CA

more canals
Venice canals
– another gloomy start with a temp of
about 17, eventually sunny and warm - 25º

Steps – 18,843

Tomorrow we are home. One more day in LA - we need to see Venice Beach.

Venice Beach is a 30 min walk from Santa Monica. We forego the hotel breakfast and get 2 coffees to go and set off to the south. It’s still morning when we are wandering, so maybe that’s why it’s quiet. Like yesterday, there are some people running, some walking, some skateboarding but mostly it’s quiet.

By the time we make it to Venice, the sun’s out!! Venice is different from Santa Monica. It’s grittier, but minimally so. Once we arrive at the commercial bit of Venice Beach that is where the difference is more obvious.

Venice street art
checking us in

We wandered down the beach and then along
some residential places…dreaming what a week or so in one of these rental places would be like. Finally, we turned up into the town of Venice to find a few bars/restaurants…it’s been about an hour since we’ve had a beverage, so we were looking for a place to stop.
Venice pomegranates

Divali Indian bistro had 2for1 Margaritas…not sure how Margaritas and Indian
food mesh, but I’ll take 2for1! Their 2for1 wasn’t the usual American 2for1…each

feet in the sand

of you get 2 at the same time…this was just 2for1! These margaritas were so good, we actually wanted a second…we chatted with the waiter who assured us
hotel bar

that we were getting 2 for 1, and not 4 for 2.

Then we were on to the Venice canals. These are very charming, quiet, and lined with homes. Now I can’t decide where I’d like to spend a week – maybe I’ll split my time.

Although it’s pretty much nap time, we still haven’t had a drink with our feet in the sand. We head to the beach, find a perfect spot under an umbrella and check this task off our list.

not a record, but far

Dinner tonight was at a Spanish bistro type-place. Wine, shishito peppers, empanadas, and deviled eggs is dinner. I’m not a giant fan of eggs, but these were tasty.

PS...I think my foot may be getting better! It's not good, but  definitely better. 

1 comment:

Stacey said...

sounds like a lovely last day at the beach! Happy to hear foot was up for a couple more days of walking!