Wednesday 11 October 2023

October 11 - Los Angeles, CA to Calgary

Weather – well, wouldn’t you know it…no fog to be found on our way home. It was lovely as we loaded our bags (ALL of our bags!!) into the Uber. Clear and 24º

Steps – 5,766

It’s been a great trip! When are trips not great? I’ve learned a lot about LA, especially that the traffic is something else! I knew traffic here was bonkers, but WOWZA. I guess people living here just get over it, what else can you do?

What was the best part? No best part, all of it was great. Actually, one part wasn’t
great…the lack of wildlife sightings. Try as I might, I saw no whales or dolphins…I did see a bunch of seals in San Francisco and actually heard one when we were sitting on the balcony of our ship room but couldn’t see it.

It feels like in just a minute I’ll be writing this blog again…CHRISTMAS IN THE AMAZON!!!

Thanks everyone for reading and coming along with me!!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your photos of your trips. Looking forward to the Amazon adventure