Tuesday 3 October 2023

October 3 - San Francisco, CA

hello San Fran!!
– threw open the curtain to soupy,
soupy, soupy. We could see the water when we stepped onto the balcony but otherwise, a wall of white. I decided to go to the gym and getting there meant crossing the pool deck…brrrrr! A glorious morning for those in the hot tubs. Temps all day in SF were coolish (esp in the shade), 18º, more like 14º when the sun went down.

just made it
slowly, slowly

– 16,790

I set an alarm for this morning. I know that on vacation I can sleep LATE! I prefer NOT to wake up to an alarm (who does?!) but at home unless I need to be up particularly early, I don’t need an alarm…away from home…different story. I’m not sure if it is the new environment, new bed, especially dark room or what…nonetheless…I can SLEEP. I knew today would be a good day for the gym followed by post-workout champagne.

Alcatraz in the distance
after lunch dessert
It was a good morning for the gym, sleeping or the hot tub. I didn’t think of the hot tub until I saw people there on my way to the gym…maybe

Jays game and a pint
Alcatraz again
The gym here is great…as great as a gym can be. As far as I’m concerned, I go to the gym for the same reason I eat broccoli. I don’t like it, but I’m a big girl and do it anyway. This gym makes it not unpleasant…it is big, uncrowded, with good equipment. I was in and out and at the juice bar in an hour. I wanted a fresh
made juice, but showed up between shifts - Chris would have to be satisfied with boxed grapefruit from the pool bar for his in-room-mimosa.

Fisherman's Wharf
SF seals

For the sail into SF and under the Golden
Gate we were invited to watch from the ship’s helipad – another Retreat perk! Very cool (literally and figuratively!) Of course, it is cool in SF and being on the front of the boat with the wind in our faces was chilly…we were served champagne, should have been Baileys and coffee. We were only out there for about a half hour, so we survived the cold.

Lunch was onboard, followed by a visit to the ship's bakery for one last coffee before heading out. Chris was hoping to watch the Blue Jays game, but it wasn’t shown
$14 Irish coffees

on the boat, so we found a pub close by to watch the Jays loose.

We've been to SF before, so didn’t venture out
too far from the ship. Just wandered from the pier through Fisherman’s Warf, up the hill a bit to Buena Vista for their famous Irish coffees. I don’t think this place has been updated since it opened in 1952! I suppose that’s part of its charm. 2 $14 coffees later and we were on the go once again. Cable cars run right past this place, so that was charming also. The coffee was delicious, but $14?!?!...USD don't forget!!


We were on our way back, when Chris mentioned a place he had cider the last time he was in SF, just past where our ship is. I can’t pass up cider so we had one more drink at Coqueta before heading back to the ship. They were out of the cider Chris had so we had to have another more expensive one…it was very tasty though…cloudy and funky…delish!
waiting for us

Dinner was on the boat, table side flambé...quite tasty!

balcony view...not bad

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