Wednesday 4 October 2023

October 4 AT SEA, Pacific Ocean off the coast of California

great tote bag
– another soupy morning, the
foghorn started after we had woken up fortunately. It was a bit chilly for morning blogging, but I do what I have to do and bundle up. I’d say it was about 15º. Once the fog disappeared it was about 22º

Steps – 6,049…more than I expected from a sea day

lots of room
pretty standard

One more day to sleep in is lovely…I think I’m getting used to this. After a bit of balcony blogging in the soupy, chilly Pacific Ocean air, we hit the buffet for some breakfast. I’m not a fan of buffets at the best of time, and the Celebrity Eclipse’s doesn’t change my mind. Buffets to me are frantic, crowded, and not the most pleasant of dining experiences. They do, however, offer variety and when you’re interested in just a bit of this and a bit of that they do the trick.

le petit chef does Van Gogh
le petit chef

Despite the cool air, we decided to check out the

pool. Late morning, the soupy air still hadn’t burned off, so it was still a bit chilly. Nonetheless, we found a cozy spot in one of the pool’s sections for just 2. Although chilly, people were still out enjoying themselves. This was the perfect spot to chill, blog, read and enjoy an Aperol Spritz. This ship has plenty of chairs around the pool, but most are very much on top of the next chair. It is possible to find a secluded spot, but there are NO tables…weird…I can’t say
beet salad ala le petit chef

I’ve even been to a pool with no where to put your
drink except for the floor. One thing at the pool that Celebrity has the edge over Regent is keeping the pool deck dry. As soon as people come out of the pool there is a worker mopping up any puddles.

One thing Regent has the advantage is pool snacks…we always like a late morning Aperol Spritz with ‘chips for the table’. Try as we might…there are NO chips or anything else to nosh on around the pool. Chips accompanied my lunch yesterday, but these were fancy house made chips…all I want at the pool are good ol’ Lays. Even at cocktail time, Regent would always have something to munch on – fancy canapés or chips or nuts. Here we have to hit the deadsville of the Retreat lounge to find a nut.

While we’re sitting at the pool we are entertained by music from this decade! Celebrity has the edge on this one for sure. I haven’t heard Lady in Red one time played by a band OR piped in!

Lunch was back at the room for room service, a little trip to naptown, and some predinner balcony blogging (the fog finally burned off and it’s glorious off the back of the boat.)

This evening is chock full of entertainment. First,
was the Rock Show…as advertised…singers, dancers, acrobats, and musicians. Not necessarily music from this decade, but still no Lady in Red.

Next, was dinner and a show. One of the ship’s specialty restaurants has a show that they project onto each table. We thought it would be a bit cheesy, but it was actually cool – well done. The food was good too.

Finally, we hit the ship’s disco for 80’s night. This was fun…started with a bit of music trivia, and then a dance party.

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