Wednesday 19 June 2024

June 18/19 – CALGARY to London/Southampton UK

– 20º in Calgary…slightly
warmer and SUNNY in Southampton - 22 º
welcome abord

Steps – 11,956 (June 18) 13,632 (June 19)

16 hours 3 min of daylight

when in Britain!
Travel days are never charming, but sitting at the front of the plane takes a significant amount of the edge off. Smooth was the name of the game from Calgary to Southampton. We left no luggage at home to race back for, were on board early for a relaxing glass of bubbly and landed early enough to have to wait for our driver. 

God’s House Gate from the sea to town
Although over night flights aren’t great, one upside is not having to get up early at home because of the evening departure. We left Calgary at 8:30PM and arrived in London early at 11:30. The time from customs (electronic), got our bags, hit the loo, and were waiting for our ride to Southampton was about 30 minutes. I didn't get a lot of sleep, but enough.

André our Bulgarian driver was too chatty for us to catch any shut-eye on the 90 min ride from Heathrow to Southampton, so we listened to him educate us about UK licence plates, and his dream of moving to Russia.

night cap

The Ibis Central where we’ll spend the next 2 days before the cruise is basic, but fine. It was a tad
warm in our room being that the late afternoon UK sun was beating in. No AC, but there was a fan, and things were fine.

A substantial nap, a bucket-free shower, a wander around the town IN THE SUN, a pint and fish and chips (with skin), capped off with another complimentary pint
back at the Ibis while watching a EuroCup match and it was an early night.

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