Sunday 16 June 2024

June – vacation prep

On Tuesday Chris and I are off to Southampton, England for a 2-day pre-cruise stay before a 2-week cruise ending in Reykjavik, Iceland. This will be by far the coldest vacation we have ever taken, and maybe ever will take - we'll be INSIDE the Arctic Circle! We have 3 stops in Greenland where the daily averages are in the single digits! As many of you know, I am NOT a lover of heat. I’m happy to not be worried about being in a lather for any of this cruise…my travelling partner is not so happy about the cold.

Last cruise we had a loooong check list…the Amazon is no joke - malaria pills, yellow fever vax, probiotics. For this cruise the only real check is WARM (and maybe rain) outdoor gear. When the warmest stop on a Vacation is London…prepare accordingly! I’m glad we’re from Canada and don’t have to go on a shopping spree for cold/cool weather gear…we have the required toques, gloves, long underwear, fleeces etc.

In addition to my usual prep, I’ve been prepping for my garden to survive. I DID NOT expect to be filling tubs of water in my back yard to hopefully get the plants through until I return. Showering with a bucket at my feet and letting it mellow was not on my to do list!

Good news on the blog front…you can now ‘subscribe’ to it. However… Blogger still hasn’t caught up with the times – in order for you to subscribe I have to send you an email for you to then ‘subscribe’ or ‘decline’. Plus…all that assumes I HAVE your email. If you want to add your email, comment with it, message me, email me or send a pigeon.

PS…the blog is also now searchable. This is probably mostly interesting to me when I’m looking for when we were someplace or what we did when. Want to know when we were in Egypt…boom! China…again, boom!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Another adventure have the best time!