Thursday 4 July 2024

July 4 – Reykjavik, Iceland

last French 75
– 13º

Steps – 13,025

Northness - 64º (Calgary - 51º)

I can’t remember when we’ve arrived at a port in the evening prior to disembarkation day. Today is that day.

Originally, we were getting into Reykjavik at 4PM giving us time for an evening excursion to Sky Lagoon. However, upon boarding we found out that we weren’t getting in until 8PM, so no outing. I’m still a bit

miffed about it. We weren’t given any explanation other than that the port is busy. Weather (or ice) I
gas is about 3CAN

can totally get behind – safety or other reason out of Regent’s control, but this seems IN Regent’s control. I’m glad we’re staying in Reykavik tomorrow and have a tour planned. We’re not going to a Lagoon – which honestly, I wasn’t super pumped about, but seemed like the thing to do in Iceland.

Suzie made me feel better last night by telling me I’ve probably been to hot springs in Canada. I certainly have and have actually been to the natural ones you just hike into. Not the same as being in Iceland, but it’ll have to do. We can

keep it on our list for the next time we are in Iceland.

Most of the day was spent doing mostly nothing. We’ve quickly come to realize that an ocean crossing (a northern one) is not really up our street. The lack of being about to spend any real time outside makes things a bit boring for us. For some reason, sitting on the balcony watching the ocean go by all day, or at the pool watching the old people go by all day doesn’t seem as boring.

One we were in port and had gone through face-to-face immigration we popped out for what we hoped for was at the very least a walk and hopefully a beer someplace. We walked for about half an hour, found a small neighborhood by the port with a hostel and pub to get a local beer. Nope…things aren’t cheep in Iceland. 2 local beers on ‘sale’ as the waitress described them were 20CAN. I wouldn’t think twice about paying $10 in Calgary for a beer, but probably not a local one during happy hour. Anyway…they had WIFI, it was charming, and I didn’t mind one bit.

We walked there and back past many, many lupins. We saw these in our other 2 Iceland ports. I had seen the lupin fields during my Iceland research, but they really are everywhere. There are other blossoms/flowers on trees. I’m not sure which are perfuming the air, but it’s lovely to walk with the sweet scent.

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