Friday 19 May 2006

2 sea

Another uneventful yet restful and relaxing day at sea. This day is a lot hotter than the last one and we get a bit too much sun.

Just as we are getting ready for dinner the ship is on a serious tilt (that is of course the sailor's term for it!) so much so that the drains don't, and we have a bit of a flood in the bathroom. Things are sliding off of counters and standing straight is a chore (even before cocktail hour.) This is one of the charms of ocean sailing I guess. This was brought on by a bit of a wind storm. It didn't seem to be amounting to much until we came out after dinner to a bit of rain - mostly mist - very cool. This also means the night is a bit chilly. The bar we sit in after dinner is covered but outside - this seemed to be the perfect opportunity to wear the sweater I bought in New York.

Not too much else to say. Tomorrow takes us to St Tropez - the last night of this ship.

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